Scientist and Engineers Hard at Work

Last week, we learned how to read a thermometer.  The children tested the temperature of water with and without ice.  The next day we set out plates with rocks, sand, dirt, black paper, white paper, and water on it.  The plates were set out in the sun and thermometers were placed on top to measure the effect of the sun’s heat on those things.  We discovered black paper gets the warmest and the white paper is the coolest.  Adi and Ella’s project worked the best because it was made with a white shoebox. The children learned it was really hard to create shade for their monster friends.  The kindergarteners spent some time in the afternoon revising their projects and testing again…still no luck.  Perhaps next time they can use different materials.

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One thought on “Scientist and Engineers Hard at Work

  1. Are the students attempting to keep their monster friends warm or to keep them cool?
    It sounds like some great discoveries are being made. Mrs. Thiessen

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